Starter Pack For New Staff

Reading Materials:

  • Read everything you need to know on the Parami website:
  • Meet our staff and learn about their roles. Please log in to your Parami email to access the staff directory: Staff Directory


  • Sign up for a Parami Workspace account. Not familiar with Google Workspace? Join free courses here.
  • Familiarize yourself with Canvas, our learning management system. See the video tutorial here.
  • Have you signed up for H5P? We use H5P as our interactive content creation tool. See the video tutorial here.
  • Have you signed up for Padlet? We use Padlet as our virtual bulletin board system. See the vidoe tutorial here.
  • Learn how to use Zoom. Watch the tutorial here.
  • Learn how to generate a "Poll Report" after a meeting on Zoom. Watch the tutorial here.
  • Have you set up your Calendly link? Please set it up if your responsibilities require one-on-one meetings with students. Watch the tutorial here.
  • Have you added the Parami Signature to your Parami email? See the template here.